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Writer's pictureNatalie Callely, LMHC

Meet the Team: Some of Our Favorite Coping Skills

There are two different types of coping strategies that people use when faced with adversity, maladaptive and adaptive. Adaptive coping involves active, problem-solving skills, including reaching out for support. They are accommodative to adapt to changing expectations and they often involve regulating emotions, taking actions to reduce stress, and changing our negative thinking patterns. Maladaptive coping may involve activities such as substance abuse, binge eating, risk-taking, self-criticism, avoidance, self-injury, and rumination. Often, therapists will gather information from clients to identify which sort of coping strategies clients are currently engaged in and help them shift towards more positive, adaptive coping mechanisms.

Here at 253 Therapy and Consult—we love talking about coping skills! So, we decided to share some of our favorite ones with you.

Markelle, our client care coordinator, shared her favorite coping skills:

"Naps! When I'm feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or have really big emotions, a nap is the perfect reset button.

- Solo hiking/nature walks. Taking quiet time while also moving my body in a beautiful setting is incredibly healing.

- Yoga. Good for both my mind and my body.

- Comfort food! Sometimes I just need a little treat to help make me feel like the world isn't so bad and things aren't as terrible as they seem.”


Phebe, CEO of 253 Therapy and Consult, shared, “My 3 top coping skills when I am feeling anxious are listening to music,

playing a video game to relax, lying down flat on my back on the floor and taking deep breaths.”


Natalie, one of our therapists,

shared, "My favorite coping skills are cleaning/organizing my environment, practicing yoga, shopping for new home décor, spending time with my daughter, and spending time in nature.”


If you are ready to navigate away from maladaptive coping skills and towards ones that add value to your life, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with one of our therapists. We can help you stop avoiding, coping in harmful ways, and perpetuating the cycle of self-criticism and help you identify positive coping skills that work for you.

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